Field (of interconnected realities) 2
paula roush & maria lusitano: A field (of interconnected realities) the week of mash-up goodness
Installation at BOOKLIVE! to coincide with the launch of the new publication and video work. Saturday 9 June, 9 am - 19:30 pm
London South Bank University Keyworth Centre and K2 Keyworth Street, London SE1 6NG (around the corner from Elephant & Castle tube station)
This publication and accompanying video piece extend our ongoing research onto the study of the modernist collage-novel. The main subject of the work is Valentine Penrose and her book Dons des Féminines (1951). The author’s response to Max Ernst’s Une Semaine de Bonté (1934), her relationship to Anthony Penrose and particularly to Alice Rahon - to whom it is speculated that Dons des Féminines refers to - have all been scrutinised by art historians and literary critics alike, with the rigor of detectives when dealing with the scene of a crime. Whilst this attention has made Dons des Féminines into one of the most intriguing feminist and queer publishing case studies, there are still many gaps that we found the most stimulating and decided to look closer into. The resulting work combines historical archive and gay pulp, artistic research, process and collage. It uses Max Ernst’s feuilleton Une Semaine de Bonté as a structuring device to serialize the 5 volumes edition following the days of the week.