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Website of Visual Artist Maria Lusitano


minidv, colour sound, 12’34’’, January of 2005


Existing is a project presented as a drawing installation (15 pen ball A3 drawings) and an essay film (DVD, colour, sound, 10’ 2005) done in 2005. Hybrid in between a fiction and an essay film, this video narrates the story of a mathematician that revisits the Caramulo´s mountains, where 30 years ago he had lived for about 2 years, seeking, via natural remedies, to cure himself of tuberculosis.


While he drives around by car and observes the semi-deserted and run down Caramulo village, which had formerly been the largest sanatorium town in Europe, the mathematician reflects upon life and death and time passing by, establishing metaphors with the notions of geometry and design that are so dear to his heart. By means of the drawings that are executed in real time, the music, and the story that simultaneously takes place in the present and delves back into the past, one is taken on a kind of journey through various times (felt, lived) that interconnect, and this is precisely how one ponders about the notion of timeless time.

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